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Mission Statement

The Utah Association of School Psychologists (UASP) empowers Utah school psychologists by:

  • Advancing effective practices, research, and policy development to improve students’ learning, behavior, and mental health 
  • Advocating for the profession of school psychology and the rights and welfare of children and youth

Critical Shortage of School Psychologists in Utah

As of the 2021 school year, there was only one school psychologist for every 2,300 students. This is nearly half the number of school psychologists than the national average (1:1,381), and over three times the recommendation for appropriate student support. The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) recommended ratio of school psychologists to students is 1:500-700. Utah would need to obtain approximately seven hundred and sixty more school psychologists to reach the top of the recommended threshold of 1:700 student ratio.

Read more about why it is essential that we improve student access to school employed mental health providers in our Shortages Call to Action document.

Read More . . .

Advocacy matters!

Ways for UASP Members to get involved:

Upcoming Events

  • Check back later for upcoming events!


School Psychologists in the News!

Membership: It's a new year! Be sure to take a moment to renew your membership today and encourage your colleagues to join UASP too! We are now 200+ members strong!! Our voice is louder and stronger when we all join together!

Here are a few things UASP has done recently to promote the field, support school psychologists, and increase student success:

  • Awarded grants to support practicing school psychologists and scholarships to promote increasing diversity within the field of school psychology
  • Conducted research and submitted position papers to USBE on changing "Emotional Disturbance" label 
  • Published newspaper articles and appeared on podcasts and television to promote school psychologists and student mental health
  • Provided instructions and incentives for school psychologists to advocate on a national and state level as part of NASP's Advocacy Action Day
  • Participated annually in Utah Educators Day on the Hill to highlight awareness of the critical shortages of school psychologists and the need for increased funding for student mental health services
  • Sent annual correspondence to state and local school boards to encourage recognition of school psychologists during National School Psychology Week
  • Contacted businesses throughout the state to secure discounts and freebies for hard-working school psychologists


If you are a school psychologist facing an ethical dilemma and would like support and collaboration, feel free to contact us with your concern!

UASP Job Board

Become a UASP member

As a member, you will:

  • Support better student outcomes by advocating for improved social/emotional, mental health, and academic interventions through collaborative interactions with the state legislature, the Utah State Office of Education, and other professional organizations
  • Join fellow school psychologists across Utah in a statewide network to exchange ideas, share concerns, and collaborate on solutions - see our Member Resources page for handouts, briefs, and online learning opportunities
  • Have the opportunity to apply for member-only mini grants to purchase curricula, materials, or for other purchases to support students
  • Qualify for reduced rates at UASP sponsored workshops and UASP's annual professional development conference featuring nationally recognized speakers
  • Receive UASP's monthly newsletter and stay current on school psychology related news in Utah
  • Be able to participate in coordinated public relations and advocacy efforts on behalf of Utah school psychologists

Join us


Contact the Board

UASP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

If you would like to survey UASP members or request their participation in your research, please complete this form. A Google, Gmail, or G Suite account is required.
358 S. 700 East, B-312
Salt Lake City, UT 84102

Feel free to contact us with any questions!
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